News list for " litentry"

Binance will support Litentry (LIT) token swap and brand upgrade to Heima (HEI).

On January 22, according to an official announcement, Binance will support Litentry (LIT) token swap and brand upgrade to Heima (HEI).

2025-01-22 17:04:16


2025-01-22 17:04:16
Litentry Announces Brand Upgrade, Token Renamed from LIT to HEI

According to official news, Litentry announced a brand upgrade, the token was renamed HEI from LIT, and the project was renamed Heima to reflect its strategic shift from decentralized identity to a cross-chain abstraction layer. The name change has been approved by referendum #38 Received community approval. The new HEI token will be fully unlocked within 20 months, and the circulation will increase from 66.45 million to 100 million. Among them, the ecosystem wallet will be allocated 22.10 milli...

2025-01-20 11:15:20

据官方消息,Litentry 宣布品牌升级,代币由 LIT 更名为 HEI,项目更名为 Heima,以反映其从去中心化身份向跨链抽象层的战略转型。此次更名已通过公投 #38 获得社区批准。 新代币 HEI 将在 20 个月内完全解锁,流通量将从 6645 万枚增至 1 亿枚。其中,生态系统钱包获配 2210 万枚,基金会 220 万枚,流动性池 500 万枚即时解锁,团队份额 425 万枚维持原释放计划。LIT 代币将以 1:1 比例迁移至...

2025-01-20 11:15:20
Litentry will airdrop pledged LITs to its IDHub users

Litentry, a decentralized identity solution, has announced that it will airdrop pledged LITs to its IDHub users. The first 5,000 users who reach 300 points in its second season of IdentityGala will receive 5 LITs, which will automatically pledge to earn rewards. The pledged LITs can be withdrawn 7 days after the launch of its identity-based reward distribution staking feature, which will be launched after the end of the second season of the event.

2024-06-04 19:23:50
Litentry 将向其 IDHub 用户空投质押的 LIT

去中心化身份解决方案 Litentry 宣布将向其 IDHub 用户空投质押的 LIT,在其第二季 IdentityGala 中达到 300 分的前 5000 位用户将获得 5 枚 LIT,这些 LIT 将自动质押赚取奖励,其基于身份奖励分配的质押功能上线 7 天后,即可提取质押的 LIT,该功能将在第二季活动结束后推出。

2024-06-04 19:23:50
去中心化身份聚合协议Litentry即将推出IdentityHub V0.8版本

去中心化身份聚合协议Litentry宣布即将推出IdentityHub V0.8版本,其表示,这是一个去中心化的身份持有者通用受益平台。

2024-04-15 10:03:47